
Location: Silverlake Los Angeles, CA
Project Type: Historic Rehabilitation and Upgrade
Area: 2 Acres (4,500 SF of Building Area)

In 2015, LMA was engaged to act as project manager and technical consultant for the renovation and historic reconstruction of Silvertop, one of Los Angeles’s most iconic modernist residences. Designed and constructed in 1963 by John Lautner, the project was never fully completed and suffering at the time of client acquisition from decades of deferred maintenance.

At engagement, the project was significantly behind schedule and over budget. LMA quickly administered a multi-disciplinary value engineering exercise to bring the project back within financial parameters, reconstructed a project schedule acceptable to the client, and devised a multi-phase permitting strategy to speed construction while minimizing uncertainties related to discretionary approvals from cultural resource bodies.

Architect: Loescher Meachem Architects; Interior Design: Loescher Meachem Architects; Structural: Brockette Davis Drake; MEP: Schmidt Stacy.; Project Manager: Cresa; General Contractor: JRT Construction; Custom Furniture; Studio Other; Photography: Wunderstudio; Interior Curator: Melissa Myers